Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Many of you have seen the floors in our house. They were terrible. I say were because we sanded and stained our floors upstairs! Yeah! Cory and I decided give this lovely gift to each other for Christmas! Not a morning went by from the time that we moved in the house until the time we sanded the floors that we didn't have slivers in our feet. Hafen would constantly tell me he had "ouchies" in his feet and he didn't like to play on his floor. I didn't like him to either since they were always dirty no matter how many times I cleaned them.
We finished them over New Years weekend with the help of Cory's dad and then waited to move in for a few days after. I must say they are beautiful compared to what they were. I love them and I was elated that they turned out as well as they did. Hafen was pretty happy about it too. He loves to play upstairs now (especially if mom is in her room). I love to just spend time in my room now. It feels so much more finished. It adds so much to the house.
Here are a few pictures.




Anonymous said...

Wow Melissa those look really nice! Why is Hafen growing up so fast? P.

Matea_Bradshaw said...

They look nice! What is the picture on the wall? Just curious. IT looks cute.

Matea_Bradshaw said...
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The Haley Family said...

Marie says the pictures do not give it justice because they are so beautiful. I am jealous because I love hard wood.


Brooklyn said...

Just wanted to tell yout that I looooove the dark floors!!!