Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So I thought I would give a quick update on our life. I have been lagging on the blogging a bit. For those of you who like to read them, sorry about that. And thanks for the chastisement! Here are a few updates on the Cory Smith Family!

First Hudson is now 18lbs 90z (we went to the dr on Friday!) and much to Hafen's excitement he did not have a shot this time! He rolls over both ways, has 2 teeth and still the top teeth are trying to appear. He sits up and loves to play with everything he should not including paper and pens and sometimes Hafen's toys. Hafen is a bit possessive of them. Learning to share has and is a challenge for both Hafen and me.

Hafen is potty trained for the most part going on 3 weeks. Yay! He has an occasional accident, especially when he is in the middle of a fun game or new activity. But all things considered he has done really well. He received a stick horse, vest, and a cowboy hat for Christmas. He loves to "get dressed up" and run around on the horse. It is fun to watch and listen as he plays. His horse has even spent a couple nights fighting for space on his pillow! He is also learning how to recognize his ABC's and counting objects. He is very active and keeps me busy.

Cory started school again on Saturday. Saturday is a bit strange to have school start, but that was the scheduled day. That month went all too fast for me. I really miss Cory when school is in session and I know some of you can relate. It has been really nice to have him around in the evenings to spend time with. I know that Hafen and Hudson have enjoyed it also.

I have been trying to keep up with everything which is a challenge for me. I am still not as organized here as I would like to be but I am working on it!

1 comment:

Cristie and girls said...

Thanks for update! We've been waiting! They're so cute!