Thursday, December 20, 2007

Winter Nights

I love the winter for so many reasons (the cold not being one of them)!
I love snuggeling under a blanket in the evening, especially next to Cory!
I love Hot Cocoa with a dab of whipped topping sprinkled with cinnamon and a tad bit of nutmeg!
I love being able to curl up and read, read, and read some more! The latest great reads have been "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", "The Glass Castle" (Thank you Matti!), "Playing for Pizza", "The Broker", and several "Curious George", "Little Critter" and other favorites Hafen has found at the local library or here at home. As a side note, Monroe Library was a frequently visited place of mine growing up. I think by the time I turned 18 I had read almost every book (that was worthy of being read) in that library and plus I have also restricted my reading of non-text books until the end of each semester, so I have been saving up.
I absolutely love Christmas. I love the smells, the lights, the pretty wrapped presents among many other nice things about it.
I also really enjoy building snowmen at night, especially when the snow has just blanketed the ground and given it a beautiful covering. Beautiful!

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