Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Story Hour

Living in a town this small, it is often up to little ole me to be creative and find something for Hafen and me to do. Most of the time our outings involve going to the park, or playing outside in the yard, but with the cold of winter it limits our outdoor activities. I envy those of you who live close to easily accessible activities. Lucky for us we have the family connection center. It is located at the elementary school and it is open a few hours each day. Tuesdays they have a story hour where the kids can play for a bit, listen to a story or two and then do an activity. The kids also get to do exercising occasionally too. Hafen really enjoys going not only to hear the story, but also to see and play with all his friends. This last Tuesday we made ornaments for the Christmas tree and Hafen made his very own and did a super job! Here are couple photos.

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