Sunday, November 18, 2007

Anyone ever have something happen to remind you how powerful prayer is? Today was a reminder for me. I love Sunday mornings. It is one of the few days that we get to sleep past 5. We get to take time while making breakfast and just get to enjoy each other's company. Sunday is also one of the few mornings I get to take my time getting ready for the day and I really enjoy this. Cory may not, since he gets to "play" with the boys, I’m not sure. This is how our morning started out and as I was getting ready for church I decided to heat some water for hot cocoa. Cory and Hafen both wanted some too, so I was preparing mugs as the whistle blew on the teapot. I placed the teapot on the front burner to cool and continued. Cory was standing next to me and all of a sudden Hafen screamed and the teapot hit the floor. The boiling water had spilled down his right arm and leg. I looked at him for a split second and grabbed him to put him in the tub. Hafen was screaming at that point and I was a bit worried. He wouldn't let me look at his leg. I kept him in there for a while and finally convinced him to sit down in the water. After he relaxed and he played for a good 30 minutes, I took him out and looked at his leg. Nothing of a burn found. And at that moment I knew that we had been blessed and Hafen had been protected because we had been prayed for. It wasn’t something I even questioned, but the thought came to my mind and I knew. I am grateful for those moments!

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