Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trick or Treat

So I am finally getting Halloween pictures up. For Halloween this year I planned on making costumes. Hafen was going to be an elephant (he loves them) and Hudson was going to be a lion. I figured if Cory wanted to dress up as an animal he could too, but I was going to just be the zoo keeper. Well after reading Clifford's Halloween about 1000 times, Hafen decided he was going to be a ghost. I thought to myself, "right, that is going to change as soon as I put it over his head." So I practiced putting sheet over his head and he was fine with it. I ordered the pattern for the elephant and lion costumes. I figured he would change his mind, but as Halloween drew near and people would ask, he would answer "a ghost" all excited. I finally picked up material for a ghost costume and made a hood to attach, instead of putting it over his head (who knows how long that would last). I figured I might as well make it cheap and make a mummy costume for Hudson.

The day of Halloween I sent Cory and Hafen to Grandma Smith's to get some face paint. Hafen knocked on the door and when Grandma answered he said, "Happy Halloween, Trick-or-Treat!" He did a great job the rest of the night! We had a fun time. Hudson even enjoyed it and acted the part some of the time! We also went to the school carnival for a bit. Hafen was a bit leery to go in; he could see the scary costumes from the door. But once inside and a few tosses of the baseball he was enjoying himself!

This was also Hafen's first experience carving pumpkins. We all had a good time!

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