Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So Hafen is learning new vocabulary quicker than I can keep up. H also picks up on phrases and comes up with great ways of using them. He picks at least one new one up each day. I am having a lot of fun listening and conversing with him. I love that he can play and tease with words now. Here are a few things he has said in the last few weeks.

To brother Taylor who was catching his hand at the dinner table: "Are you teasing me?"
At story hour to Ms. Anna after playing the goat puppet and she said good job, he said, "No, I awesome!"
To Grandma Smith (Ann) when she asked him if he wanted to bear his testimony, "Where is it?" she replies with "It's in your heart." He looks down at his chest and says, "I don't see it, where'd it go?"
To Cory when Hafen wants some fun, "rough me up, dad!"

Oh and thanks to Uncle Alma's amazing tricks at the family Christmas party, "see my funny trick?" "Watch this trick" and when it isn't so funny and I am ready to pull my hair out he usually comes up with something that ends in "trick"

1 comment:

Malma said...

haha! I think this may be one of the funniest posts I've read...ever! I'm so excited to see this little chatter box next week!