Monday, July 14, 2008


So I haven't updated our blog in quite some time. Here goes...
June was filled with helping Cory on a class. It was on social health and I actually really enjoyed reading the text. The class was a 4 week course and consisted of 300 pages a week plus essays of 250-350 words a piece. You might say to yourself that this isn't too bad. It wasn't but it wasn't easy to always keep up either. I must say he got an A-. Not so bad.

The month of June also consisted of a visit from my brother Seth and his family, Mitzi, Straton, Braylee, and Christian. They got here on a Friday evening and on Saturday we spent the morning at Kershaw and the afternoon at Cathedral Gorge. If you haven't been to either of these, you are missing out. We had a great time and really enjoyed our visit. This is what two tired out boys look like after a morning of fun! They both zonked soon after we got home and stayed that way after we changed their clothes even. The following weekend we spent in Monroe. My brother Preston was there for a couple days, so we took the opportunity to go see him.

We also spent one weekend camping with our friends, John and Lindsay. We have kind of made it a tradition to go camping with them at least once each year. We missed last year, due to Hudson and home improvement. But this year we had a great time. We went to Yankee Meadow, which is about 20 minutes up Parowan canyon. It was really pretty. Hafen and Hudson had a great time playing and Hafen learned what a smore is all about. He ate about 10 roasted marshmallows! I was amazed that he did not suffer from after affects.

I took photos of most of our activities, but for some odd reason, they won't upload. I am using a different computer than normal, but I don't see how that would make a difference. I will try again later.

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Glad to see your back! You live next door but I still don't know what your up to. Come play in the water with us again soon!