Monday, July 14, 2008

Hudson's 1st Birthday

Hudson is one! I can't believe he is already one. I have been reflecting on this past year quite a bit lately and some of the things that he has accomplished and how greatful we are to have a happy healthy baby. Lets see... Hudson is walking pretty good now. He says a few words, such as "mom", "dad", "dog", "duck", "no", and his favorite is "that". When he wants something he points to it and says, "that". Go figure. He is such a happy baby and everywhere I go, people comment on his beautiful eyes and smile. His eyes just light up. They are so expressive! He also is eating with a fork and spoon and drinks from a cup. He still looks for Hafen each time Hafen has been gone or asleep and when Hudson first wakes up he looks for Hafen. If Hafen isn't still in bed, then he will look for him downstairs. I am grateful Hudson is part of our family.


Malma said...

happy birthday hudson! The cake is adorable!

Vera said...

Happy Birthday Hudson!!!