Monday, July 14, 2008

4th of July

This year for the 4th of July we in town to celebrate. Each year the city has a breakfast at the park hosted by the firemen, then a parade (which goes right past our house, how convenient!), games at the park and finally fireworks at dark. The Haley family came to town to celebrate the events too which which only added to the fun! This is the first year Hafen has actually got to participate in the park events, so it was especially fun this year for us. The park events consist mostly of races and then a money scramble, which is just wet. The fireman spray their hoses as the kids scramble to pick up money in their alloted time per age group. Hafen earned $3.10. We all had a great time.


shmilyJ said...

Oh I miss Caliente 4th of July's!!! I'm hoping to make it back there next year, I really want Jeff to experience it. I miss you guys

Tessa Marie said...

I'm so glad we got to see you guys that weekend! Thanks for inviting us over for games- sorry Sadie wasn't cooperating so well :) I had alot of fun though.

Shannon said...

Looks like you had fun! Your family is so cute! Where are you guys at now? Email me!! or call me 951-536-7755...we need to catchup!!!!
<3 Shannon