Thursday, May 15, 2008

On Your Mark Dune Buggies, Get Set Dune Buggies, Go Dune Buggies

There is a traditional dune buggy race here each year put on by SNORE. They start the weekend off by eating breakfast at the elementary school on Friday morning. They then spend the rest of the morning entertaining the local and surrounding schools elementary students with their buggies and goodies like stickers and suckers and shirts. Most racers are here for at least the two days and so the locals prepare in various ways for their arrival. Many participants camp overnight behind our house in the railroad property. This is where the race starts. On Saturday is the big event and most of the locals like to watch and enjoy seeing the racers come off the mountains.

This year I had prepared Hafen of the events that we were going to attend and we were discussing our field trip to the school that day at breakfast when he pipes up, "On your mark, dune buggies; Get set, dune buggies; Go, dune buggies!" We laughed.

I took the boys to the elementary school for the anticipated fun. We met Grandma Smith there. Hafen had loads of fun, that is until everyone started showing lots of attention to him and his brother. He then decided it was too overwhelming and stuck to the stroller the rest of the time. They racers really made a fuss over the boys. Hudson even made it on their website.( ) He is the last picture. They passed out tons of pictures and stickers and treats. The boys had a good time and enjoyed watching the racers arrive out the back window.

Saturday they spent most of the day with Cory watching the races. They had a super time doing that as well. Every sound that sounds like it could be a dune buggie is now a dune buggie according to Hafen. He also still includes them in at least one prayer a day!

1 comment:

Malma said...

So, Mom told me about the races on Sunday and then Mon. or Tues. I couldn't remember what S.N.O.R.E. stood for so I went to their site and saw that picture of Hudson. Only I thought to myself "Is that Hudson? No it couldn't be."

I guess I was wrong.