Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Entertainment

Hudson has found new entertainment...that's right folks, the stairs. He loves them. About a month ago he figured out how to go up the stairs and I figured out I had a new job task. Lately he has only been going up about 4 stairs, although he can go up all of them. After he gets up the third of fourth stair he will turn his body half-way around and try to climb back down. He will then sit down on the next step and turn his body again utnil he makes it to the last step. Once he makes it down he sits on the last step and rewards himself and anyone watching with claps and smiles and laughs. He thinks its all very funny. I think it is all a bit too much anxiety. Although it doesm't keep me from smiling and laughing along with him. Here is a picture of him the other morning just getting down and proud of it.

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