Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I have really loved getting to see Hudson's personality develop. I thought I would share just a few things lately that he has been or is doing.

I stopped nursing Hudson almost 2 weeks ago. On the morning after his first night without nursing I took him into my bedroom where Cory was taking a drink of water. Hudson saw the cup and lept as hard as he could toward the cup. I thought I was going to drop the kid. He was starving and yes I felt very guilty. I rushed him downstairs to get a bottle and when he finally started drinking it it was gone in record time!

Speaking of food, Hudson has not been much for allowing other people to feed him food. He thinks he should do it and only he should do it. He is so stubborn. So I finally have learned to find things that he can pick up and feed himself. I will occasionally get something in his mouth, knowing that I am lucky on those times. Usually it ends in a big disaster and both of us irritated with the whole mess. I have figured out that he likes sippy cups that Hafen uses (Hafen likes the ones I got for Hudson) and so I combine yogurt and ground up fruit and juice for a healty drink and that way I feel like he is at least getting some nutrition.

Hudson is trying to walk. He has learned to "army" crawl, but will complain the entire time he is doing it. Once he has reached a spot where he can see me he will stop moving and really complain until he finally gets help. He does walk along furniture though, and thinks it is great when someone will walk with him. He also likes to ride the little push car as well as slowly walk with it.

The other morning I was changing the laundry out and I went back to the living room expecting to see Hafen at the drum. Nope. It was Hudson. Hafen had left his drumsticks down the night before and Hudson had picked them up and he was drumming with both drumsticks. I thought it was fun to see him figure that out. He really is entertained by them.

Hudson also loves Hafen. He was born loving Hafen. When Hudson was 2 weeks old I was at my moms. Each time Hafen would come into the room where Hudson was and begin talking, Hudson would smile. This still happens often and Hudson will usually look to see what Hafen is doing. If Hafen plays with cars, Hudson wants to play with cars. He makes vroom noises already, which I thought was just coincidence at first, but it is consistent each time he has a car. If Hafen is having a story, Hudson wants to listen too. Hudson also knows the difference between his fake looking cars and Hafen's cool looking cars and Hafen's books and his books. He prefers whichever type of toy Hafen has and if Hafen has his book will try to get it away from Hafen.

Here is one last thing. Hudson figured out that Hafen's stool is just the right heighth for him to sit down on. I happened to have the camera next to me right when it happened, so I got a picture. He was so proud of himself; he kept getting up and sitting down again...until he felt robbed when the stool finally tipped over!

1 comment:

Brooklyn said...

Aww your baby is getting so big! What a cutie. Both your boys are cuties. Are you planning on having any more? Looks like you guys had a fun weekend with Sheila and Tony!