Monday, April 14, 2008


Ok I have not been very good about being tagged. I don't intentionally not do them, its just I haven't for some reason. Please don't hold it against me. I think I will start the ones that I haven't done sometime soon:) For this tag I chose 4 things about each boy that I haven't posted recently, so here goes.


1. Hafen was born on Friday, August 5th at 3:19 p.m. He was a whopping 8lb.8oz. One of the thoughts in my head when he was first born was that he didn't look like a wee little baby and he soon showed me that he didn't want to be one either. He has always been one to be ahead of the game on most physical and mental ability. I think that is usual with most first children, but am not sure. Shortly after Hafen went home from the hospital we found out his lab work showed bacteria of some form so the doctor rehospitalized him for 3 days to make sure he was ok. luckily the lab work was contaminated and he was ok, although a little jaundiced.

2. Hafen has the most beautiful smile that lightens his beautiful eyes right up. I can say beautiful because that is what it is and that is what he is inside and out. Everyone who meets Hafen comments on his eyes. His eyes are a window to his thoughts and feelings, "the window to his soul" like the poet wrote. Hafen and I share these little moments when we are laying down next to each other. He will look into my eyes and I look into his utnil one of us smiles and then the other one does. And they are big smiles and I love it.

3. Hafen loves music. The first time I realized this was when he was about 4 months old. There was this petsmed comerial playing on tv and Hafen was in the kitchen doing something. He army crawled into the livingroom to hear it and every time it came on he would do this. His uncle Neal got a set of drums for Christmas that year too and he quickly learned how to play them. By the time he was 1 he knew most instruments in an orchestra. He can even pick out the sounds of many instruments being played when he listens to music. He loves to dance and sing and try his hand at any musical instrument he comes in contact with. He has great rythm and great ability to sing in tune(where did he get that?).

4. Hafen loves sports. He continually asks us to play whichever sport he has decided he wants to play at that moment. Basketball, football, soccer and Baseball. He will play all day like this if he can, throwing the ball and having us catch and return. I must say he can throw very well. His favorite sport right now is soccer, but since he isn't allowed to play that inside, he settles for baseball. His form of baseball inside is a soft softball and a blue raquetball rackt!


1. Hudson loves being swaddled for bed even now at 9 months. I thought he would have outgrown it by now. A while back I was trying to figure out why he wasn't sleeping as well as he had been. I figured it was that he was just getting more aware of his surroundings. It may have been but after we started swaddling him again he sleeps much better and He doesn't settle down as well without it either.

2. Hudson is full of energy in every way. He was this way in the womb and he is this way still. He loves to move around the chairs and floor. He loves to kick and jump and climb. He loves to talk and laugh and even dance. He loves to explore and investigate and get into things. His latest is the strainer. He puts it on his head, drums with it, sucks on it and I am sure he will figure something else to use it for. I have yet to get a picture of it, but I will. He loves to imitate Hafen in these actions too and will do this even after several hours of seeing Hafen do the action.

3. Hudon is very strong-willed and stubborn and already trying to be independent. What happened to being a baby? When Hudson decides he does or doesn't want something, everyone ought to beware. He will do almost anything to get it. He wiggles and squirms and climbs until he can get it. If that doesn't work he will whine and cry until someone gives in. Usually it isn't him. He remembers very well too and just when I think he doesn't, he still does. We have this battle daily with the phone and neither of us have given in yet.

4. Hudson is so so cuddly and lovey and sweet. He is beautify too. His smile will make anyone smile and his laugh will make anyone laugh. He is always cheerful and happy. He loves to give kisses to me and Hafen. He loves to hug and cuddle and snuggle. I absolutely love it. He even tries really hard to get what he wants by giving me loves. He makes the ouh sound and kisses on me and then tries to get whatever he wants, usually food! When he sees me after what must seem like a long time, he gives me a hug so tight, like he is clutching on. I love it. I hope he stays this cuddly and loveable and so so sweet!

Lindsay I tag Brooklyn.


The Reedy's said...

Yes I do remember you guys! It is such a small world that you would know Joe.I think everyone I have ever talked to knows at least one person from Richfield. I am doing wonderful, I hope all is well with you. It is so nice to hear from you.

Brooklyn said...

Thanks for taggin me! hehe. I'll get you next time, dont worry. Sounds like you have some sweet little babies! I dont think I have seen either one of your kids in person! Next time you come to Vegas you should stop by! Sheila cut our hair last week and I just love it!

Natalie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natalie said...

Sorry, I accidentally deleted my last comment..... It was fun to read more about you guys. You have such a cute family.