Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Genuine Reader

I love to read and it is one of my favorite pastimes. I hope to pass this tradition on to my children. It is a routine thing right now to read stories before naptime and bedtime. I know Hafen really likes it and I do too. A few nights ago I was holding Hafen and Hudson on my lap while reading stories. Hafen was listening intently and the cutest thing happened. Hudson started reading too. Unbelievable, I know. For all you skeptics out there I know how it must sound. He would talk when I did and when I paused he would pause. Now, I know that you might think me foolish, but it was so fun and cute that I couldn’t believe it. He has done it several times since then and I love it! He did it again tonight while Cory was reading to them. I think I have a genuine reader on my hands. Maybe I will learn his language someday.

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