Wednesday, September 26, 2007

23 Kiddlets and Counting

Cory and I recently were called as nursery leaders. We were asked to be assistants and then right before they sustained us they notified us they needed new leaders instead! I guess they thought it could/should be us. I am not so keen on the idea. I think it will be a blast and I love kids but I was selfishly enjoying Relief Society. And nursery is a big job with 23 little kiddlets. I am actually looking forward to it. Oh the joy of service! But here is a list of good things about nursery.

10. Socializing with parents at greeting & pick up time
9. Playing with playdouh
8. Coloring
7. Glue sticking all by myself("I do it")
6. Learning a foreign language
5. Singing time
4. Snack time
3. Seeing the little kids smile
2. Hearing the little kids laugh
1. Silence! (Well not really, but it seems like it!)

And the best one of all...
Spending time as a family. Yep all 4 of us together!


Cassie said...

Good luck with that! Me and Ty were doing that for a while, then I asked to be switched to a different primary class( because both my kids were in nursery), Man I did not know what I was thinking, I now want to beg to go back! Back to a 5 minute lesson instead of a 40 minute one with NO snacks!!! =)Ahhh...Nursery is my favorite except for the social isolation part!You guys will be super though!

Rachel said...

This is Rachel DAVIS Palmer by the way. Laura told me about your blog. I was so happy to see you are doing well. Your boys are adorable. Check our my families Email me sometime at Enjoy the nursery. I did that one for a while, but had to stop when my oldest was in there. She wouldnot let me help the other kids. But now she is a sunbeam and doing much better.