Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halloween Fun

I am finally getting Halloween pictures up. I haven't been able to find my camera, so I didn't want to post without pictures. It just wouldn't be the same! Hudson was a clown and Hafen was a knight. Seeing several of my sisters-in-law post spudnuts on their blog, I had sudden cravings. So the boys and I made spudnuts. Have you ever tried this with 2 toddlers??? It was great and so were the spudnuts when they were done. I couldn't stop eating them. Yummy! Halloween evening we went to the school carnival. Fortunately we didn't win a cake at the cake walk, but unfortunately the kids won 3- 2 liter bottles of soda. Just what we need around here… more sugar. We came home and had chili dogs. Just a side note: I had grand plans of making a fun dinner of jack-o-lanterns involving pancakes but Cory had other plans. He didn't get home on time and I am sure it is because he hates breakfast for dinner.
Anyhow we went trick-or-treating. We took the wagon and the kids really enjoyed going from house to house. Hudson was so cute that people didn't even mind his handfuls of candy taken from their bowls. He had triple the treats Hafen came home with. Hafen was too busy charging all the home owners and co-treaters. The homeowner didn't know what to think when they opened the door and some little kid yells charge as he is pushing his sword into their side...little did they know it was probably all a distraction for Hudson to steal all their candy. The two of them probably conspired before going out.
We had loads of fun and then went to grandma and grandpa Smith’s for a spudnut and hot cocoa. Talk about a day of fun!


Tessa Marie said...

Haha, I can just picture Hafen charging everyone. That's so funny! The boys were so cute!

The Haley Family said...

The clown looks familiar.

The Roberts said...

I know!! The clown looks VERY familiar!! I believe I recall wearing that when I was little!!