Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What do you think?

So in my mail yesterday came a little brochure from the Lincoln County Nuclear Oversight Program. Now most of you know that Yucca Mountain is where it has been determined to dump nuclear waste. For some time now it has been in questions where the route would be and the interchange yard would be located. Well, in the newsletter they sent yesterday it tells us where it has been determined to put both. It will be going through Caliente and it will have an interchange location here in Caliente. The yard location is right behind my house in the railroad property. This property is located off my back fence and continues past the railroad tracks. It states that Lincoln County Commissioners and the City of Caliente will work closely with the DOE and will be setting up "Coperative Agreements to help loal interest have a seat at this planning table and encourage mitigation measures." What do you think? What would you do?


Malma said...

PROTEST!! I know it may be hard in a smaller town..but this is your area (and an area you could walk to in about 10 steps). I would write a letter, go to any council meetings/town hall meetings, etc. If nothing works...then...?

Karyn said...

Well as your neighbor, I too am a little concerned about this development. I am torn on this whole subject. It needs to be put somewhere, and it allready comes through town on the semis.(right in front of our houses)But I don't really want them handling it in my backyard too. So you tell me, what do we do?

Brooklyn said...

tagged! go to my blog 4 details!

Matea_Bradshaw said...

I wouldn't be happy. What can you do? Anything?

Tessa Marie said...

Uh...I would definately NOT want that kind of thing in my backyard!!!! I don't know what you can do besides show up at meetings and protest it though- good luck!