Tuesday, March 25, 2008


After three months of continual, "Mommy, I want to get a puppy," or "Dad, I want a puppy" we finally gave in and got a puppy. A few weeks ago while we were out of town shopping some people were selling springer spaniel puppies. They were so cute that Cory called me up while I was shopping and asked me if I wanted one. The pup started out as an indoor/outdoor dog, but after a few days and a couple of meltdowns, Baxter is now officially an outside dog. He has plenty of yard to play in and several neighbors and neighbor dogs to keep him company throughout the day. He even plays some fetch already. We left him alone with Cory's aunt Gina for a week and he is even better behaved than before. Maybe I should leave him for another week and see what happens. Just kidding. Hafen really likes to go for walks and run with the puppy and he even lets Baxter lick his hand, which took a lot of courage from Hafen. I am proud of Cory for giving us a dog, even though he has a phobia of them and proud of Hafen for overcoming his fear of dogs and Baxters playful nips.


Malma said...

How exciting for you! Now...please talk my husband out of his dog phobia. Congrats on your latest "addition".

Vera said...

It must run in the family. I don't fully trust dogs, either. Maybe it was the "no animal rule" in our house as we were growing up!

Kevin and Ann said...

Yeah I think it does run in the Family because I hate dogs too!!