Monday, February 25, 2008

Jump Jump Jump Jumparoo

After a play date with some of our friends, Hafen, Hudson, and I left with this Jumparoo on loan-out. Hudson had so much fun in it my friend loaned it to us to use. I appreciate it greatly since Hudson will play in it for a good 30 minutes and he laughs while jumping too; making it the winner for the longest played in toy yet. Last was the exersaucer entertaining him for about 20. Yes I can finally do the dishes in one session rather than 2 or three. I tried to get him while he was laughing, but he had calmed down by the time this was taken...calm is relative!


Cassie said...

Hey we are good sorry I still need to email you back with more details, we have no internet at home so I am always late on all my internet stuff now. Hope all is well! Tyler and Cassie

Rachel said...

Melissa, He is so cute! Those things are lifesavers! Hope to hear from you soon.